My poor, poor baby being tortured by the rash that you can't see, but it's there... My hands had a rash on them, too. But you can't see that, either.
But we can feel this rash - anyone who puts on Dallas paraphernalia (I even spell checked this word, but it still doesn't look right...), or assists in the putting on of it, breaks out in rash. Don't they?
Wow, my high school English teacher would give me an F on this one...
Can't you look in his little face and see the tortured look in his eyes, pleading -- "Please, please, someone help me out of this ugly, itchy shirt! Pleeeeeeeze!".
OK - I'm done. Yes, I'm the one in the background wearing the beautiful colors of the Redskins. Proudly. Yes, proudly. I'm not a "fairweather" fan. If I were, I would certainly have hung up anything with those colors way, waaay back in the back of the closet, not to be brought out for another 3 years or so, which is how long it's going to take to recover from all the change. But I love my 'skins regardless.
Speaking of football - I can't wait for the games this afternoon!! I want the Jets and the Saints to play in the Superbowl. I don't know who I want to win, though. They can't both win. I like Sanchez, (partly because USC is my#2 college team). I would love to see a rookie win a Superbowl. But I also like Drew Brees. He does the best pregame pep thing in the NFL. Yes, that is the technical name for it - "pep thing".
I don't want Brett Favre to win simply because - he is a DIVA. He has caused so much drama, that I don't even like him anymore. I can't take anything away from him, though, because he is awesome. But...... any man who causes THAT much drama, just needs to go crawl under a rock somewhere. Sorry, Brett.
So, I'm off to the grocery store - hopefully my little bundle will be a little bundle of joy in the grocery store, and not a little bundle of wow, how can lungs that small make that much noise.
Wish me (and the Jets/Saints) luck!!