Isn't she the most pretty girl in the world? She is in my world.
This story is going to have to be two parts, mostly because I am a minor-detail (usually having nothing to do with the story) freak. Sorry...
Thanksgiving 2000. I was still married to Ex at the time. My son was 4. On the way to Ex's Aunt's house for Thanksgiving Dinner. For whatever reason, son rode with Grandparents, therefore, Ex and I were able to talk about Christmas presents. I knew exactly what I wanted Santa to bring our son. A puppy. Not just any puppy, I explained to Ex, it HAD to be a golden retriever. This being because everything I read said that is the best breed for children. And it HAD to be a puppy because you never know what an adult dog has been through, and how they are with children, etc, etc. So we had this all planned out. We were going to get the puppy (from who knows where) and take it to my brother's house for him to puppy-sit, then pick up the puppy Christmas Eve late. That was the perfect plan.
We arrived at Aunt's house, very excited about our plans, and also excited about Aunt's cooking...
We had not been there too long when one cousin asked Aunt "Mom, is that dog still hanging around?". My ears perked up. Aunt replied "yes, poor thing sleeps out there next to Duke every night". Duke was Aunt's golden retriever who resided outside in a pen. I asked Cousin "what dog?". Cousin replied, "some stray". The dog had been there at Aunt's house for 3 days!
I immediately went outside to the front porch where all the guys were out talking. I sat on a chair, and as soon as I did, I saw her. Then she saw me. She came right up on the porch, passed by all the men trying to pet her, came and sat directly in front of me, scooted up as close as she could get, and put her head in my lap! The stray was a golden retriever. I looked down at her, we just looked into each other's eyes, and I fell flat on my face in love with her. I looked at Ex, and I informed him that she was coming home with us. Period. End of story.
He was hesitant, asked Aunt if she knew where this dog had come from, which she had no clue. They lived in a neighborhood where everyone knows everyone, and also everyone else's dogs. She must have been dropped of. Poor baby.
I reluctantly went in and ate Thanksgiving dinner, hoping she wouldn't run away. When we left, she was right there at the door waiting for me. We went to the car, opened the door, she looked up at me, and I nodded at her, and in she went. Right up on the seat beside my son, just like she belonged there! I cried! I'm crying now!!
So, we told our son that God sent her to us for Christmas early, which I firmly believe. So I named her Angel. And my son gave her the middle name "Bear". His favorite cartoon at that time was Little Bear. So Angel Bear it was, and still is.
She is my baby.
Now that you are staring at the back of your eyelids, I will give you a break, you can wake up and go read something interesting, and come back tomorrow for the "rest of the story".
Fate. I firmly believe it! She is such a lovely lady!
ReplyDeleteDogs have such a way of taking our hearts and breath away! We lost our beloved Vanna and I wasn't sure I wanted another dog. Certianly not a young pup. In walked Nash and it was love at first sight!
Best. Story. Ever. Our puppy chose us, too. Love it here;)
ReplyDeleteGreat story! We have 2 dogs and they are a huge part of this place!
ReplyDeleteT - I am sorry for your loss of Vanna, and happy for you that you found Nash. I bet it was an adjustment having a "little one" around.
ReplyDeleteMental P - I think it's meant to be that way, they certainly know what they are doing when they pick their owners.
Noe Noe Girl - The animals definitely run this house! And I wouldn't have it any other way.
That is one loveable dog - from the picture alone, but your story seals the deal.
ReplyDeleteOf course the other half of the story will truly seal the deal....