Kinda out of focus, I know. But I have to say the wind was blowing a gale. These are flood waters at Aaron's Beach, sometime last year during some storm. Couldn't even get down to the beach, the road was flooded.
There will be only the pictures I have saved for a while, no new ones.
Need to have a funeral.
Camera's dead.
Hubby killed it. (Not on purpose, and can't figure out how.)
Oh well.
Yesterday was Monday, and that's how the whole day went.
Does anyone know why we humans say pregnancy is "9 months"? I'm confused. I am 26 weeks. That is 6 1/2 months, so I should have only 2 1/2 months to go, right? Yeah. Until you figure pregnancy is 40 weeks. That, as far as I can figure is 10 months. I think I can still add/subtract. So that means I have 14 more weeks. That means 3 1/2 more months. uhggg. 3 1/2 more months of giving myself shots twice a day, having braxton hicks contractions, hurting pelvis, swelling feet and ankles. When all I want to do is meet this little guy! I can't wait! But it is all worth it, I keep telling myself that.
I'm getting a bit serious lately, for that I apologize. I think it's all the pregnancy hormones. As soon as I can think of one, I will have a funny story. Maybe I will tell my animal stories one by one. I hope I have pictures of all of them somewhere I can find them.
My hubby didn't have any funny stories about his camping trip. It rained almost the whole time! But they still had fun, and that's what matters. And the pyros did manage to have a bon fire the size of Texas. As soon as I can figure out how to get the pictures off the broken camera, I will share a pic of the Texas-size bon fire.
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