Now, as usual, this pic has nothing to do with anything I'm about to say. But, man, I wish I could sleep like that!!
I was trying to find some pictures of the cows I had growing up, but I couldn't find them. Who knows if I could have even figured out how to scan them into the computer?
Yes, I am having flashbacks of my cows. Actually, of one cow in particular. The bull. Timmy. Yes, I named all the cows. The bull's name was Timmy. I don't know why. Maybe find a 8 year old and ask them why they would name a bull Timmy. I'm sure I had a reason at the time.
We raised Timmy from a baby, even had to bottle-feed him. He was a cute little thing. Then he grew up. And was still cute!! This bull would let me pet his nose any time I wanted to. He could be hand-fed by most people. He only grew up to be about 2,000 pounds! If I stood on one side of the fence, he would come up to me, and I would sway back and forth, and he would "dance" with me. I kid you not, this bull danced! Timmy had moves sorta like Stevie Wonder.
One day we were at the gas station that my parents run at the time at Edgehill, and we got a phone call from animal control. Someone driving down Ware Neck had to stop in the middle of the road, because there was a bull in the middle of the road! Well, that person went to the across the street neighbors, called Animal Control, and then the neighbors had them call my parents. Nobody knew what to do with this bull in the middle of the road, and of course, they didn't know any better, so they were all afraid of him. Whenever they would try to get close, Timmy would stomp and paw, and they were pretty sure he was gonna come after them. Little did they know, he probably wanted to dance! While we were on our way home, our preacher had come up the road, and saw what was going on. Well, he had met Timmy before, he told the animal control that Timmy was a good bull, and that he wouldn't hurt anyone, as long as they weren't driving a school bus. (Timmy didn't like school buses, and the preacher had seen this first-hand.)
So, we get home and boy there were a lot of people gathered by this time. It's not every day you run across a bull in the road, after all. My dad went to the house, and got an apple, then went back out to the road. Everyone was looking at him like he was crazy. His bull was in the middle of the road, and he went to the house and got a stinkin' apple? What was he going to do, have a snack, or do something about this bull? Imagine their faces when he showed Timmy the apple, and said, "come on Timmy, lets go the barn", and Timmy looked at the apple, and followed dad all the way back to the house!! Boy, those people looked like they had witnessed a miracle right then and there!! Hehe, they should have stuck around to see the scrawny little girl dance with Timmy, then pet him and kiss him on the nose!!
Yes, when I say I am an animal lover, I truly mean it! And cows are no exception to that rule. Cows are very cute, especially their noses.
So, what are you having flashbacks of today? (Or you can tell me about your hot flashes, hehe!!)
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