Well, Angel is home on a trial basis. She has a little pallet beside the couch. We had to drag her on the pallet back to the bedroom last night. Now I am waiting for my husband to wake up so he can drag her back out here. I've never felt so helpless. She still won't really eat, so I have to shove food in the side of her mouth, and she eats some of it, and some of it just rolls back out. She will drink normally, though, so at least I don't have to syringe water into her mouth anymore. But I'm worried because she hasn't peed since she's been home. The vet said he'd call this morning to check on her, so I'll ask him about that. It's so hard to see her like this, and I'm torn because I feel like I'm letting her suffer. But this is something that dogs normally recover from, so it's not like she has cancer, or had a stroke, and I'm just keeping her here for selfish reasons. But it feels like that to me. It's been a week, and she still can't get up, she has to have physical therapy (which is just massaging her muscles, and exercising her legs) twice a day so her muscles don't atrophy. I just want her to get up and walk into the kitchen and lay behind me so I can trip over her, or lay in front of the refrigerator while I'm making lunches, so that I can't get into the fridge. I just want her back.
And I need a new camera so I can take more pictures, especially of her.
I will definitely be praying for her to be feeling much improved. I am sure she would rahter be there with you than at the vet's. Hang in there Mama.
ReplyDeleteThank you so much, I'm hanging. She's eating baby food now, and is drinking. She still hasn't peed since 10am Saturday, though. I just don't know what to think or do.
ReplyDeleteThis is heart breaking. What did the vet say?
ReplyDeleteThe vet is still optimistic that she can recover. But she hasn't stood up since last Sunday. If we try to pick her up with a sheet underneath her, she just hangs there, she doesn't even try to stand. I think I'm going to have to make a very hard decision. She doesn't seem to be suffering, though.
ReplyDeleteI'm am so sorry to hear this. Sending prayers.