Please don't ask me why - but I think this is a cool picture. Hubby took it at work. I think I like the way the sun is behind the arm of the crane.
This picture has nothing to do with this blog. You really shouldn't be surprised, right?
Yesterday I went to the OB for my "7 month" checkup. I am 28 weeks pregnant.
You know, people can say some of the derndest things to pregnant women. (How's that for a word - derndest - I don't think it's a real word). My patients will ask me when I am due, I respond to them November 30th. Then, their face gets this "look", I don't know how to describe it, other than maybe "oh wow". Some of them have even said "Oh wow". Then the questions follow.... "are you having twins?" "how much have you gained?" Or the statements... "you are going to be huge by then!" "oh, you are having twins" "you're not going to make it until then". I know they don't mean any harm, and probably don't even know that I am biting my tongue from saying things like "look at you, you're not even pregnant." Now, that surprises me, because I am and have been for years, battling my weight, and been in weight watchers twice. But being pregnant, hearing things like that, it hurts my feelings and I WANT to hurt them back. I know, that's not nice. Sorry. But you know, when I hear these things up to 30 times a day, every day, it really gets old. Quickly.
Well, today, I had something happen that made me feel a little better. Maybe. The doc was measuring my uterus (you know, with the tape measure) and she said "hum, I'm measuring you at 30 weeks." I said, "wow, you know, I do feel the baby all the way up here a lot of the time, and when I have Braxton-Hicks contractions, they are pretty high up". She measured again, and said, "no, actually it's about 32 weeks." HEHEHE I asked her about something one of the other docs had told me about my Factor V Leiden mutation (clotting disorder) that it could cause low birth weight and that she had wanted me to do every 3 week ultrasounds after week 28 to make sure the baby was growing the way he should. This doc felt around, and said "I don't think we need to worry about a small baby, here. He feels pretty big". So, she scheduled me for an ultrasound, because now we think I may be further along than we had thought, and because she thinks I have King Kong growing in there!
I felt SO vindicated. If (and I do mean if, cuz she may be wrong) I am truly 32 weeks pregnant, and not 28 weeks pregnant, that would mean I am a full month further along, and those people should take back what they all said. Right? Yeah, I thought so, too.
And it would definitely NOT hurt my feelings to be a month further along. I told hubby and he got all excited!! My ultrasound isn't until a couple of weeks, so I will give an update as soon as I can!
WOW! That's a huge time difference!
ReplyDeleteBut, I get it. By the time I was where you were - I was at "poke a fork in me, I'm DONE!".
Can't wait to hear what the ultrasound says.....
Yay! A Halloween baby!
ReplyDeleteI have had that happen before only after she was born at 10lbs 4oz...they told me I was almost 4 weeks LATE! Glad you are getting the news before hand!
ReplyDelete1. I love the picture. The lines are crisp; the light is warm.
ReplyDelete2. Go King Kong, and don't listen to doctor, listen to your mother.
3. Derndest is definitely a word, as in George Clayton Memorial Highway is the derndest thing I've ever seen in my life.
Can't wait to hear about Baby Aaron's (Beach's) ultrasound.
I don't want to have a 10-pounder. Unless we are talking about fishing. But a baby? No. Thanks, but no thanks!! HEHE!! Ouch is all I have to say. My husband's brother's two girls were close to 10 pounds. Scheesh.