Friday, August 28, 2009

Lions, Tigers, and Bears, Oh My

Yep, that's snow on the beach. Nope, it has nothing to do with this blog. Fortunately, I have not seen the "star" of this blog, therefore, I have no pictures.

I have lived in Gloucester my entire life. We have all kinds of wildlife around here. We have racoons, squirrels, opposums, snakes, turkeys, deer, foxes, farm animals (gotta love the moo cows). But what we DON'T have are - lions, tigers, and bears.

My son informed me the other day that there was a bear residing in my parents' neighborhood. Yes, a bear. In Gloucester. Now, I haven't bought a paper, but this bear was supposedly in the paper yesterday. The story as my son tells it, is that this black bear has been spotted by my parents' neighbor 3 doors down, and another a couple roads down. They have a neighbor behind them, there is a pond, a field, then the neighbor's house. Well, apparently this bear was in that field, and apparently the hunters (who have apparently been asked to help by the local game wardens) came and shot at the bear, missed the bear, then got charged by the bear, and they all jumped in their trucks and left. Of course, this is all here-say. My son also proceeded to tell me that he heard this bear growl, then heard footsteps - while he was in my parent's back yard. So he went in the house. I'm not so sure I buy THAT one...

The bear is apparently 7 foot tall, and is still at large.

I apologize for the overuse of the word "apparently" in this blog, but I have no proof of any of this, except my mom swears up and down it's true... and I can't think of another word that means the same thing, because I'm having a "baby is sucking my brain and I can't think straight" moment.

Did anyone see this bear in the Daily Press yesterday?

I don't know what to make of all this. I have never heard of any bears anywhere near Gloucester County. My son has been known to stretch to truth, take a small comment and run with it, daydream, etc etc. My parents have been known to "humor" him. But it sure is a good story, true or not.


  1. I saw a bear in my driveway last year. Nobody believes me. But it's true-pinky swear!

  2. CBW is all atwitter about it too. I think y'all should all come to Connecticut for awhile. The bears are scared of us up here.

  3. Noe Noe Girl - I would completely freak out if I saw a bear in my driveway. My husband would probably try to build a cage for it and keep it like all our other wild animals!!

    Mental P - Sounds good! Can I bring all my animals? Hehe!

  4. Don't forget the coyotes - we have those too.

    I wonder how the bear made its way to Gloucester. Does Greyhound still have a bus stop there at the court house?
